The end of the world

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Een soort van Balky (die andere, van Larry) vertelt over het einde van de wereld [flase]. (Hawaii d03t w00t)


Reacties (7)

#1 Carlos

hangin with hawaii ‘n’ alaska: cool !

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#2 mark

zou Nederland niet ook uitgenodigd kunnen worden (dan zorgen de Dutch voor de drugs)?

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#3 Carlos

drugs zijn zooooo w00t !!!!

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#4 Grobbo

Wat is w00t?

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#5 Carlos

Geen idee ik roep maar wat.
(als je de 30 gepasseerd bent wordt je zelfs geacht het niet te weten, denk ik)

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#6 Grobbo


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#7 mark

What is w00t? [via Googol]

“saadia 02: w00t
a: what is w00t
a: assalaamu alaykum
saadia 02: wa alaikum salam
saadia 02: its my wersion of “awesome”
saadia 02: so i think i found [name] a job
saadia 02: that would be cool
a: yeah
a: what u up to?
saadia 02: finding omar jobs
saadia 02: and going thru pics of me online
a: im reading isaiah
saadia 02: bible?
a: yeah
a: and writing a girl an email
saadia 02: oooooooooooooooooooooo
saadia 02: about isaiah?
a: actually
a: about the Qur’am
a: qur’an
a: the isaiah thing is cuz i think cyrus may have been dhul-qarnayn
a: no relation between the two
saadia 02: confused face here.
saadia 02: but thats oooki
a: me and abu khaliyl were talking abt the dhul qarnayn thing earlier
a: and i mentioned that ibn taymiyyah or ibn kathir had said that some of the historians think it was Cyrus
a: in refutation of ibn sina and those who follow him like yusuf ali in saying that it was alexander
saadia 02: alexander?
saadia 02: which alexander?? “the great???”
a: yeah
saadia 02: he was a midget!!
saadia 02: with aids!!!
saadia 02: cuz he was gay
saadia 02: hahahahahahaha
a: yeah
saadia 02: he died cuz of aids
a: i know
saadia 02: hahahahahahahahaha
a: he was a mushrik
saadia 02: dhul qurnayn
saadia 02: was supposed to be huge or something
a: well i dont know at the aids thing
saadia 02: hahahaha
saadia 02: i took ancient history class last semester
saadia 02: hahaha

Auto response from a: I am away from my computer right now.

saadia 02: his head was too big for his body, he was 4 ft tall, looked like a girl, and his dad was killed by a former lover of his.”

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