The Presurfer | Ancestor Stones

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

inca ruine

A British team of archaeologists on expedition in the Peruvian Andes has hailed as ‘sensational’ the discovery of some of the most sacred objects in the Inca civilisation – three ‘ancestor stones,’ which were once believed to form a precious link between the heavens and the underworld.

The find, which was made on an isolated Andean mountainside, provoked joy among local specialists and the experts present from, among others, the British Museum, Reading University and Royal Holloway, University of London. No examples of the ancestor stones were thought to have survived until now.

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#1 qwerty

Het onderschrift bij de foto leest: The Inca platform where the ancestor stones were found.

Het was aardig en informatiever geweest als er een foto van de ancestor stones zelf was geweest. Nu zit ik met de vraag: waar gaat dit in godsnaam over?