A shameful investment in a dystopia

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Een gastbijdrage van Ben Hayes van de website Neoconopticon. Het stuk is ook te lezen in de European Voice van The Economist.

Ifrontex kaartn a hi-tech upgrade to ‘Fortress Europe’, the EU is developing drone planes, satellite surveillance systems, unmanned ground and marine vehicles, even combat robots, to be deployed to ‘defend’ Europe from migrants.

The policy is the result of a convergence in the EU’s ‘industrial competitiveness’ strategy, which has identified the global ‘homeland security’ market as one in which Europe should prosper, and an EU approach to migration control that places the prevention of refugees and undocumented migrants from crossing borders above any other objective, principle or approach.

In this upgrade, the defence sector, the surveillance industry and quasi-autonomous EU bodies such as Frontex and the European Defence Agency are joining forces.

More than €50 million in EU funds from the security research component of the Commission’s seventh framework programme for research (FP7) has already been allocated to the adaption of military surveillance techniques to Europe’s borders – and the programme is still in its infancy. Defence giants such as BAE Systems, Finmeccanica, Thales, EADS, Dassault Aviation, Sagem and Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) feature in numerous consortia. At least six EU-funded projects envisage the use of ‘drones’ (or unmanned aerial vehicles, UAVs) for border control; others promise an array of surveillance and detection technologies.

They have names such as Seabilla, Sectronic and Talos, and ‘24/7 blue and green border situation awareness’ is their objective. Talos – a €20 million partnership between PIAP (a Polish producer of combat robots), IAI (the state-owned manufacturer of Israeli drones) and others – is field-testing “a mobile, modular, scalable, autonomous and adaptive system for protecting European borders” that will “take measures to stop the illegal action almost autonomously with supervision of border guard officers” – combat robots (or ‘Robocops’ perhaps?) in plainer terms.

It would be comforting to dismiss this research as a meeting of science fiction and science fancy, but the US has already deployed an equivalent – Predator drones – along its border with Mexico, part of an $850m (€624m) investment that also includes a ‘virtual fence’.

The determination to create a similar virtual fence in Europe is very real. The European Council has endorsed the European Commission’s Eurosur proposals for a hi-tech European border surveillance system and Frontex is now investing in fixed surveillance and border-drone technology (expressions of interest are currently being invited for UAV demonstration projects).

The European Defence Agency is also involved, by funding manufacturers to develop collision-avoidance systems and other measures needed to ensure the drone programme does not fall foul of rules on the use of drones in civilian airspace. At least seven member states are exploring how they might use drones for civilian security purposes.

There has been little comment so far about these plans in general or, specifically, about Europe’s intended deployment of drones, a technology now synonymous with ‘targeted assassinations’. The UN, though, has spoken forthrightly about the US’s drone programme: Phillip Alston, the UN’s special rapporteur on extra-judicial killings, has accused it of giving the CIA a “licence to kill” and encouraging a “Playstation mentality” that devalues human life.

The hi-tech vision of the EU’s military researchers might be a less discomforting prospect if there were some assurance that the drones and other systems would simply be used to detect and rescue those on the overloaded and ramshackle boats and rafts in which so many perish.

But a sense of comfort is impossible, amid reports – for example – of European naval patrols “deliberately overturning” boats carrying migrants and of EU-sponsored Libyan patrols opening fire on Italian fishermen.

The EU’s interventions may already be making the sea more dangerous; drones and other robotic tools will add to the risks of a Playstation mentality developing along Europe’s borders.

The EU stands on the cusp of a shameful investment in a dystopia.

Reacties (5)

#1 knelistonie


Go naval.

Een net van booreilanden die als opvangcentra dienst kunnen doen. Return facilities, languaguage courses, EU immigration offices.

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#2 Anoniem

‘24/7 blue and green border situation awareness’
Wij verschaffen Israel weer geld en speeltjes om het palestijnse volk te onderdrukken terwijl er nauwelijks Europese burgers te vinden zijn die daar voor zijn. Daar krijg je toch een naar smaakje van in je mond.

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#3 Anton

Verhaal begint aan de verkeerde kant. Europa heeft niet gekozen voor strijd met wie dan ook. Sterker nog, Europa heeft 10-tallen miljoenen kansloze opgenomen en een menswaardig bestaan verschaft. Als dank krijgen we daar een heilige oorlog voor terug. Een smerige oorlog bovendien, gericht tegen weerloze burgers van het vrije Westen. Dat het vrije westen zich verweerd en de daarvoor nodige technologie ontwikkeld is helaas nodig.

De UN zou zich qua ‘devaluating of human life’ wat minder met Playstations bezig moeten zijn en zich richten op de landen waar de Moslimfundamentalisten aan de macht zijn.

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#4 Anoniem

@3 Die drones worden niet ingezet tegen terrorisme maar tegen illegalen.

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#5 alt. johan

Sommige mensen proberen op een stiekeme manier Europa binnen te komen.

Vanuit de potentiële migrant zelf kan ik het vaak goed begrijpen, maar die potentiële migrant moet ook weten/begrijpen dat het draagvlak van immigratie in Europa zeer laag is geworden en dat ze daarom wordt geprobeerd om ze tegen te houden.

Het is niet hoffelijk of gastvrij, maar zo werkt het nu een maal.

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