Unprotected sex causes sudden death

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

In de wijk Mongkok in HongKong is onbeschermde sex direct dodelijk:

A man was beaten to death in Mongkok yesterday after he apparently refused to pay an extra fee for taking off his condom before having sex with a mainland prostitute.

It is believed he was attacked by a gang of three or four men when he left the brothel in Reclamation Street. (South China Morning Post).

[via: Gweilo Diaries]

Mongkok linkdumpje
Map: Mongkok is deel van Kowloon district / map #2
Listing of tallest high-rise buildings of Mongkok
Mongkok in pictures 1 and 2
165,000 people per square kilometre


Reacties (1)

#1 Walter S

Die man is nu al dood maar die prostituee gaat langzaam dood aan AIDS. Ik zie het probleem niet? eigen schuld dikke bult !!!