Lenin wordt begraven

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Reacties (15)

#1 Olaf Koens

mij lijkt het sterk, maar we zullen zien!

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#2 Rik

Wat bablefish ervan maakt (en wat eigenlijk wonderbaarlijk goed leesbaar is…)

Moscow, June 21 (new region, Martyn Samusenko) – the end of the second presidential period of President Putin will be marked by the solemn burial of Lenin’s body. As transmits the correspondent of “new region”, at the end of 2007 the mummy of the leader of the world proletariat will be carry ouied from the mausoleum and buried on one of the Moscow cemeteries. The understanding about this was recently achieved between the Kremlin administration and the management THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, which all these years actively protested against the idea of the burial of Lenin’s body. As reports RIA “new region” with the reference to the source in the Communist Party, the essence of understandings is reduced to the fact that THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION not will speak against the burial of Vladimir Ulyanov’s remains, but in the exchange will be obtained the possibility to complete on the eve of the 90- anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution pre-election “stage” with Lenin’s body. Coffin with mumifitsirovannymi by remains Communists plan to conduct through entire country so that all Russians could honor the memory of the leader of revolution and carry it out into the last way. As source reports, the official burial of Lenin’s body most probably will occur on 21 January, 2008, – during the day of the decease of leader. As notes the correspondent of “new region”, in 2001, after his accession to power, Putin said that the agitations in the society does not want to cause, after moving Lenin’s remains from the mausoleum. Meanwhile from time to time the theme of the extension of body from Red Square appeared and, as source is considered, practically in all cases it were initiated by the Kremlin. On the version of the collocutor of agency, in the release of mausoleum is interested personally Putin, who considers that the threat of colored revolution in Russia exists until a chief participant in the October revolution of 1917 is buried. According to the unofficial information, if Lenin’s body is buried, in the mausoleum will be organized Vladimir Ulyanov’s museum.

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#3 Kornuit

Ik dacht: ‘HOAX’, maar ja toen las ik: ‘Как сообщает РИА «Новый Регион» со ссылкой на источник в Коммунистической партии, суть договоренностей сводится к тому, что КПРФ не будет выступать против захоронения останков Владимира Ульянова, а в обмен получит возможность совершить в канун 90-летия Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции предвыборный «тур» с телом Ленина. Гроб с мумифицированными останками коммунисты планируют провести через всю страну с тем, чтобы все россияне смогли почтить память вождя революции и проводить его в последний путь.’ En: ‘По неофициальной информации, если тело Ленина будет похоронено, в Мавзолее будет организован музей Владимира Ульянова.’ Toen dacht ik: ‘Verrek! Het zal toch niet waar wezen.’

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#4 larie

De translator zegt over 3:

‘Als rapporten [RIA] „nieuw gebied“ met de verwijzing naar de bron in de Communistische Partij, wordt de essentie van overeenkomst verminderd tot het feit dat de Communistische Partij van de Russische Federatie niet tegen de begrafenis van de overblijfselen van Vladimir Ulyanov, maar in de uitwisseling zal verkrijgen de mogelijkheid zal spreken om op de vooravond van 90 te voltooien – verjaardag van het Grote stadium“ van de Revolutie van Oktober Socialistische pre-election „met het lichaam van Lenin. De doodskist met [mumifitsirovannymi] door overblijfselenCommunisten is om door volledig land te leiden van plan zodat alle Russen het geheugen van de leider van revolutie konden eren en het uit dragen in de laatste manier. ‘En: ‘Volgens de officieuze informatie, als het lichaam van Lenin zal worden begraven, in mausoleum het georganiseerde museum van Vladimir Ulyanov zal zijn.

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#5 larie

voor uw favorieten .

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#6 Rollator Dude

Wordt tijd; hij schijnt al een paar jaar dood te zijn.


Rollator Dude

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#7 Olaf Koens

@Kornuit: De bron is bijzonder dubieus. Een regionaal suffertje dat opmerkt dat er een deal is gesloten met de communisten, waarin Lenin een soort ’toer door Rusland’ krijgt, en danpas zal worden begraven.

Ik kreeg tot op heden ook nergens een andere bevestiging van dit gerucht. Maar: Newsru.com komt er ook mee. Die hebben het over ‘geruchten’, en het ‘opleven van de discussie omtrent het herbegraven van Lenin’.


(helaas geen vertaling)

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#8 SalonSocialist

Ik heb het idee dat Sargasso meer Russische talige reaguurders heeft gekregen.

Olaf, jij misschien instigator hierachter…

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#9 Steeph

Vertaling link Olaf (mensen, gebruik toch gewoon http://babel.altavista.com):

Conversations about the extension of Lenin’s body from the mausoleum and his burial on the cemetery were renewed

Vladimir Lenin’s body could be concealed on the federal military memorial cemetery (FVMK) after it will be built. On this, as transfers “interfaks”, stated the leader of the group of authors of project FVMK Sergey goryaev. In the opinion Of goryaeva, on FVMK they can bury Lenin, and any other leader of Russian state – if there is the corresponding political solution. In this case Sergey goryaev emphasized that he speaks against removal or transfer of the building of mausoleum, since it is the monument OF UNESCO and relates to the ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin. According to him, in Mytishchakh is created not only military cemetery, but also pantheon for burying of the outstanding statesmen and citizens of Russia, who have special service tos the state. Meanwhile practical work on the building of memorial complex on FVMK can begin already in the following year. Completely works plan to complete during May 2010 – to 65-1 anniversary of victory. In parallel with the search for possible place for the reburial of Soviet leader in the country appeared rumors about the fact that Lenin they can perezakhoronit’ already toward the end of this year. In any case, as transfers agency “new region”, this understanding was recently achieved between the Kremlin administration and the management THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, which all these years actively protested against the idea of the burial of Lenin’s body. According to this understanding, Lenin will leave mausoleum and it will be buried on one of the Moscow cemeteries, this does not exclude source in the Communist Party. However, the essence of understandings is reduced not only to this: THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION not will speak against the burial of Vladimir Ulyanov’s remains, but in the exchange will be obtained the possibility to complete on the eve of the 90- anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution pre-election “stage” with Lenin’s body. Coffin with mumifitsirovannymi by remains Communists plan to conduct through entire country so that all Russians could honor the memory of the leader of revolution and carry it out into the last way. As reports source, official burial of Lenin’s body, most probably, it will occur on 21 January, 2008, – during the day of the decease of leader. According to the unofficial information, if Lenin’s body is buried, in the mausoleum will be organized Vladimir Ulyanov’s museum

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#10 Arthur

mumifitsirovannymi , zeker!

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#11 esgigt

Stinkt het communisme daarom zo?

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#12 HansR

Zou wel een stunt van Poetin wezen trouwens.

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#13 zeezout

Ро-руский кан ик ниет ехт маар дит стаат натурлийк ерг тоф!

Toch jammer, ik had hem graag nog een keer gezien maar dat gaat nu opschieten worden…

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#14 Dewy

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#15 hardscarf

De CPRF is het niet helemaal eens met de berichtgeving

Afgevaardigde Oleg Koelikov verklaarde:
«Это не так. Здесь нет ни одного слова правды. Это просто провокация против партии, против нашей истории и против самого Ленина»

babelvis: “this not thus. Here there is not one word of truth. This is simple provocation against the party, against our history and against Lenin himself “

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